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Traeth Ffosil is up and running…


I have always loved painting and creating works of art…at the end of school the decision was Medical school or Art college!


At the time my head ruled and I dutifully trotted off to medical school putting the brushes to one side.


Busy with study and then the ups and downs of being a junior doctor there wasn’t much time for painting! Then came my three lovely boys Jacob, Isaac and Seth! Even less time!


However, since the two older boys have started school, on my days off, Seth and I love to go off on long walks along the heritage coast stretch of the Wales coast path and surrounding countryside. It was these walks come rain or shine that inspired me to pick up my brush again and get creative!


As well as painting in acrylics, I also work with photos and different papers to produce collages. I have always wanted to try my hand at selling my work so after a leap of faith I found a local printer, sourced mounts etc and set up ‘Stiwdio Traeth Ffosil’ which is currently operating from my home in Southerndown, Vale of Glamorgan.


The name means ‘Fossil beach’ inspired by my recent fossil finds after a recent cliff fall near Tresilian Bay.


My vision is to sell beautiful affordable prints capturing some of the great landmarks of the area! I have digital reproduction prints available and also the high quality Giclee prints on request! 

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” 

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Pablo Picasso 
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